Whether you are an early bird or not, your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Mornings can be rushed and busy, so how can you fit in a few minutes of self-care? Here are some quick tips to try.
*Try getting up at least 30 minutes earlier than the rest of your family. Having that early morning time to enjoy some coffee or tea and wake up gradually before responding to everyone else’s needs will start your day on the right note.

*Drink at least eight ounces of water before you drink anything else. This gets your healthy hydration habit off to a good start. You might try drinking warm water and adding the juice of half a fresh-squeezed lemon to it. According to Healthline, your body benefits from drinking lemon water in the following ways: it promotes hydration, it’s a good source of vitamin C, it supports weight loss, it improves your skin quality, and it aids digestion. Lots of benefits for a simple drink! This citrus juice presser makes squeezing lemons much easier!
*Write morning pages for five minutes. You can read more about the practice in this brief article HERE or watch THIS video to learn more.
*Sit still in a quiet place and try meditation for five minutes. Try an app like Calm or Headspace if you want a guide. Meditation gives you a sense of calm, peace and balance which helps both your emotional and physical health.
*Another five minute habit to try: deep breathing. Watch this brief TED talk from Stacey Shuerman, explaining how just 5 minutes of deep breathing daily can change your life.
*Do just five to seven minutes of exercise! You could try this 5-minute morning yoga from Yoga With Adriene. Try the scientific 7-minute workout HERE, this 5-minute abs routine or this 5 minute butt & thigh workout!
*If you’d rather get outside, try taking a five-minute walk in the fresh air.
*Read something inspiring or motivational for 5 minutes. Here are some favorite nonfiction books for this:
~Becoming by Michelle Obama
~Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
~You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero
~On the Bright Side by Melanie Shankle
~Giddy Up, Eunice: Because Women Need Each Other by Sophie Hudson
~Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
~Fierce, Free, & Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious You by Jen Hatmaker
*Read one inspiring quote to help get you motivated! Try Beautifully Said: Quotes by Remarkable Women & Girls Designed to Make You Think by Quotabelle or try using an app like Daily Quote.
*Write down five things for which you are grateful. You might even invest in a pretty gratitude journal.
*If you want to read more about how to use the morning for self-care, read one of these books:
~The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
~My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired by Benjamin Spall & Michael Xander
~Good Morning, Good Life: 5 Simple Habits to Master Your Mornings & Upgrade Your Life by Amy Schmittauer Landino
~Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
~The 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins
Choose just one of these morning habits to try and let me know how it goes!