We’ve reached the end of another school year. Chances are, you are exhausted and ready for a break.
You might also be thinking about what you want to do better or differently in your classroom next year.
So this post will give you five tips for wrapping up the school year, but I’m also giving you two levels of suggestions.
Level one will be for the “I’m ready to think about this!” folks.
Level two will be for the “I’m at low capacity right now” folks.
Please know I am not suggesting you do any school work or planning over the summer. Summer is a mini-sabbatical for teachers, a time to rest and rejuvenate. But sometimes, even as we rest and rejuvenate, we still get great ideas for next year. That is fine too! Creating materials or anything that will help make your teaching life easier in the fall is also fine to do, as long as it gives you energy.
The bottom line is that your summer should be spent doing what works for you.
Tip #1 – Clean and organize
I’m ready to think about this!
As you clean up and pack up your classroom, resist the urge to cram everything in the cabinets or closet and race out the door. (I know it’s a strong urge!)
Think about “future you” and what will make you happy or ease your stress when you see those cabinets or closets in August.
If possible, use this time to toss, recycle, or give away every paper or resource that you have not used (and probably never will).
Some good places to start: your classroom library (weeding out the ratty books or books that nobody ever reads anyway), centers or game resources, teacher resources or files.
I don’t have the capacity right now.
If you can’t go through everything, just choose one part of your classroom to clean out/organize and save other areas for back to school time.
Tip #2 – Prepare for next year’s first week of school
I’m ready to think about this!
What can you prep for next year’s first week of school? Are there activities or resources that you enjoyed using this year? Could you go ahead and make those copies or prep those resources in some way?
Consider creating a “first day back” box. Put the supplies you will need to set up your classroom in this box. Then you don’t have to hunt through several boxes to find your stapler.
Some suggestions for your “first day back” box: stapler and staples, a paper planner for next year (if you use one), your favorite pens, Expo markers and an eraser, tape, and any back-to-school resources you want to have handy. You get the idea.
Store this box where it will be easy to access quickly, or think about taking it home and storing it there until August.
I don’t have the capacity right now.
If you don’t have the capacity for any of this, just list the activities or resources you might use next year. You might even categorize the list by what needs to be copied, what needs to be prepped, etc. Then leave it alone until you’re ready to look at it again.
Here are some questions to get your thinking started. You don’t have to answer them all!
Jot down whatever comes to mind in list form and know you can always return to this list later and add more detail.
You might want to use a separate page for each question or just answer the questions in any order that works for you. There is no right or wrong way to do this reflection.
*What worked well?
*What are you most proud of?
*What drove you crazy?
*What part of your day annoyed you the most?
*What drained your energy?
*What took up too much of your time?
*What would you like to spend more of your time doing?
*Which classroom procedures worked well?
*Which classroom procedures did NOT work well?
*What is something you would like to try or implement that you did not have the bandwidth for doing this year?
*What teacher professional books or courses or learning would help you for next year?
*What children’s books would you like to read to prep for next year? (These could be for reading groups, book clubs, or read-alouds.)
*What were some good habits that worked for you this year? (These could be personal, work, or healthcare habits.)
*What habits would you like to implement or be more consistent with next year?
I’m at low capacity right now.
Save these questions for later in the summer or when you’re in back-to-school mode.
Enjoy a “Sloth Week,” then do some planning so you’ll have an awesome summer.
Here are my easy directions for “Sloth Week.” Once I get out of school, I will spend the next week (or so) as a sloth. I will do nothing besides family /friend events I want to attend or participate in. No medical appointments. No errands I do not want to run. No reading anything education-related.
Here’s what I will do: spend time outside, spend time alone (or with my very favorite people), sleep more, watch anything on TV or streaming that I want to watch, and read beach-type books. I highly recommend Sloth Week. It helps me recover from a busy and stressful school year and eases me into a relaxing (but somewhat productive) summer.
Tip #5 – Planning for next year
I’m ready to think about this!
If you want to do some planning, here are some areas to prioritize:
*how you’ll organize your literacy block
*how you’ll organize your math block
*changes for content area instruction
*routines & procedures that you want to change or implement differently next year
*spending time with your PLC or grade level team (even just one coffee or drinks date)
*thinking through your pacing guide for the year (literacy, math, content areas)
*a homework plan/policy
Something else to consider for next year – are there any big projects or field trips you would like to implement next year?
Spend some time jotting down some notes about that. What needs to be planned in advance? Who might need to approve the project or field trip?
You don’t have to do any of these things now, but if you break down that big project into smaller steps, you’ll have a to-do list ready for when it’s time to do the big planning.
Another tip for big projects and field trips: consider planning these for January through April. Those are the months when we often get in a funk because we’re tired. Having something fun or unexpected to look forward to during those months will boost everyone’s energy!
I’m at low capacity right now.
Ignore this for now. Come back to it when you’re ready.
Tip #6 – Learn new things!
I’m ready to do this!
Look back at your reflection list. What are the areas where you want to improve or make some changes? What are some topics you would like to learn more about?
If your district or state offers free professional development in the areas you are interested in, consider taking advantage of it.
Other options are to look for free or low-cost professional development sessions online. Google is your friend.
Same with professional books. Does your school or district reimburse you for books you buy for yourself? (Our PTA provides a small amount of teacher discretionary money, for example.)
If not, consider whether buying the book is within your budget. Even if it’s not, you can still learn about topics by reading blog posts or searching for other free content online.
Another option is to join Facebook groups for your grade level or subject area. You can often find great ideas in those teacher groups.
I’m at low capacity right now.
Read or watch content just for fun. You likely did not have enough time for that during the school year anyway, so take this time for yourself and do not feel guilty!
I hope you take some much-needed time to rest and reflect over the summer! If you want a 5-day self-care routine, try my free course!
You need easy, low-prep ideas for the last days of school and I’ve got some great ones for you! These ideas are also good for those afternoons after standardized testing.
1—Have a read-in for as much of the day as your students can handle! Let them bring pillows, stuffies, and towels to lie down on. Let them stretch out around the room and create comfy reading spots. Everyone should have a good supply of books and magazines. Snacks and drinks are optional. Try reading for 30 minutes, take a 10-minute break, and then repeat! This makes for a great time for you to get paperwork done.
2 – A variation on the read-in: have a camping-style or beach-day read-in.
For camping: let students create “tents” with towels or blankets and use flashlights for reading. You might display a campfire image or video on the board. Make s’mores for snacks! (If you have one nearby, you can make these in a microwave.).
For beach day: set up towels as “beach towels.” Display a beach image on the board. Eat goldfish crackers for snacks. (Yes, I know that goldfish are not ocean animals, but they’ll do as a fun snack!)
3—Create a graffiti wall. Display some butcher paper on the wall and keep markers available for students to write about their favorite memories of the year, compliments for classmates, the best books they read, etc.
4 – Let groups of students rehearse and then present reader’s theater skits. Here is a site with lots of fairy tale-type stories and this site has some picture book and fairy tale-type stories.
5 – Have board game tournaments! Allow students to bring board games from home if you don’t have any in your classroom.
6 – Show different movies in different classrooms and allow students to choose which movie they want to watch.
7 – Have your students write ABC books on how to survive your class or grade. Then you can share these with next year’s class in the first days of school! Tell your students to include their best advice for how to stay out of trouble, how to stay on your good side, etc.
8 – Make tessellations! This site gives directions.
9 – Write letters! Suggestions: write a letter to themselves reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the future; write thank-you notes to people in school (both adults and students) who have helped them throughout the year; write letters to next year’s students.
20 – Write collaborative stories! Use Story Cubes or let students just start their own stories and leave them on their desks. Give a signal, then have students rotate to the next desk, read the story and then add to it. Keep rotating as many times as you want. Let students know when it’s the last rotation so they can wrap the story up.
21—Take the reading, writing, math, or whatever lesson outside! Or just take a walk in the sunshine.
27 – Make a list of places where you can read this summer! Ideas: at the park, by the pool, at the doctor’s office, on a boat, in a fort, on the beach, at the lake, in the mountains, at camp, at a sleepover, on the computer, on the bus, on the couch, in a swing, etc.
28 – Use Kahoot (or any online game site) to play trivia games appropriate for your grade level.
29 – Make sidewalk chalk art. Let kids be creative or have them draw things that reflect some of what you’ve learned this year (state landmarks, different ecosystems, an electrical circuit, etc.)
30 – Pass the plate activity! Get some paper plates and colorful markers. Let students write their name in the middle of the plate, then start passing the plates around! Each student should write complimentary words to describe each classmate, then pass it on to the next student. This makes a great keepsake!
I used to think that time management was all about getting up earlier, staying up later and cramming as many tasks into the day as I could possibly do. Now I think that managing my time is more about being intentional about my use of time. It means doing the right things at the right time.
Some days I may look at my to-do list and see very few things crossed off, but when I think about my day as a whole, I realize that the things I did do were all super important (going to a doctor’s appointment with my mom, making a dinner that my husband loves and which I don’t make very often, taking a nap because I haven’t been getting enough sleep, catching up with a good friend who needs a listening ear).
So what are my best time “management” tips?
What I try to focus on now is “scheduling” all of my routine things to do into “blocks” of time, setting limits on how long I will work on different routine tasks (grading papers and doing laundry are always going to be on the list and are never really “caught up”), and being efficient with chores and the routine tasks so that I can spend more time on what is most important.
So my definition of time management now is not just about getting stuff done. It’s also about doing the right stuff.
And making lots of lists!
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
First, here are eight general tips that have helped me.
8 General Tips
1 – Write it all down. It sounds compulsive, but it’s the best way to stay on top of all the things you need to do. It also helps you plan what days will be best to do which tasks.
For example, you would not plan to complete lots of cleaning or organizing tasks on the days when you have a later working day or lots of kid activities to coordinate. It also serves as a great boost when you look back on the week and see all the things you did complete!
2 – Some people like to keep all their lists and a planner on their phone. There are some great apps that will help you do this.
Other people (like me) prefer paper and some favorite pens. (My favorite are Flair pens!)
But honestly – my favorite way to plan is to grab a sturdy notebook and carry it with me everywhere.
Carrying it with you everywhere allows you to use it for everything: your weekly cleaning list, weekly menus, grocery list, workout log, list of outfits, things to do at home, things to do at work, holiday planning, goals — all the lists you need for your busy life.
In addition to pages of lists, you just start a new page for each day, write the date at the top and list the things you need/want to do that day. Whatever does not get checked off gets added to the next day’s list.
3 – Two important tips for planners and lists:
A – write everything down. Do not rely on your memory. (When you’re carrying your planner around with you everywhere, you will always have it handy when you think of something else you need to do.) This is why many people prefer using their phone.
B – check your planner several times a day. Put a notification on your phone if you have to, but make sure you are checking your planner at least once an hour.
4 – Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. I know — sleep is very important. But sleeping late every day is not important. If you start training your body to get up earlier, you can also train your body to go to sleep earlier. Aim for 6 – 8 hours of sleep per night.
As for what time to get up each day: one tip I’ve used is to think about what time I need to get up in the morning, then subtract one hour. That is the time I should be getting up.
What can you do with that extra hour? Plan your day, pray, meditate, do yoga, work out, work on some goal project of your own. (See my morning routine post HERE.) That extra hour, first thing in the morning, that is just for YOU will help you to be better in all areas of your life. Just try it for a couple of weeks and see what you think!
5 – Get some help. I know, I know — we think we should be able to do everything ourselves. But look around and identify someone you know who appears to “do it all”. Then ask her how she does it. You will undoubtedly hear that she doesn’t “do it all” herself! No one does.
Look at your list of things to do. What are the things that only you can do? (Tuck your kids into bed, for instance.)
What are the things that someone else could do for you? (Clean your house? Drive your kids to sports practices? Shop for groceries?) Think about delegating some tasks to other people. Everyone that lives in your house (spouse, children above preschool age) needs to contribute to the family chores in some way.
Could you use different services to do some tasks? (Ordering groceries online for instance and paying for delivery or picking your order up in an express lane at the store.) Could you hire someone to clean your house or run errands for you?
6 – And while we’re talking about getting some help — it’s okay to say NO to tasks or activities that don’t fit your time availability and your current priorities and goals.
This is another hard one, I know. We want to help as many people as possible and we want to please everyone. But think about what and who is most important in your life right now. Judge each task that you are asked to do against that list of priorities.
Will the task you’re being asked to do affect one of those priorities in a negative way? (Taking you away from home too many evenings, for instance.)
One of my favorite ways to say no is to say, “Thank you for thinking of me I would love to help, but my schedule is too tight right now and I would not be able to give it my fullest attention and energy.” They may be disappointed for a moment, but they will quickly move on to the next person to ask. Plus, they have to respect the fact that you don’t want to take on a task that will not get your best effort.
7 – Schedule EVERYTHING on your planner. If it does not get scheduled and assigned to a certain day or a certain time, it’s not going to happen.
If you want to work out every morning at 6 a.m., write it down. If you want a weekly date night with your husband on Fridays at 7 p.m., write it down (and make sure he does the same!). If you want to catch up with a friend in person or over the phone, write it down.
8 – Make sure you are scheduling time for you to do what YOU want to do and what is important to you. If you don’t do that, other tasks or demands will take over that time and you will eventually feel burned out and resentful. You can prevent that from happening, or change it if it’s already happening. Schedule some daily time for yourself and plan for what you will do with that time.
At the beginning of each month, I draw a quadrant on a piece of paper. I label each quadrant with the week’s dates for that month (December 3 – 9, December 10 – 16, etc.). Then I list the calendar dates that are already scheduled in each quadrant.
I make a list of what I would like to get done in that month and which week will be best for that task. Some tasks come from my calendar (birthdays, appointments, meetings, events), and some are from my goal-setting work. (I will be posting soon about how I set goals.)
I leave lots of empty spaces because unexpected events occur throughout the month that will also need to be included. This list gives me some control in the sense that I can see what is coming up that month, but it also gives me the flexibility to change the priority of anything on the list.
Plan your week in advance. While you can do this on any day, I prefer Sunday. It helps get my new week off to a good start when I have some time to think about last week and to look ahead to how I will use my time going forward.
Start by looking over your general monthly plan and looking at last week’s lists. What went well last week? What needs to be rescheduled or tweaked for this week? What goals do you want to accomplish this week?
Make a list of tasks you need to complete for the upcoming week. Include appointments, meetings, kids’ scheduled activities, etc. What appointments/events/meetings/important dates are coming up this week? What do you need to prep for those dates? (Example: buy a birthday card and gift, review notes for a meeting, etc.) Plan time for the prep as well as the actual event! (See the planner and list tips above.)
*Cleaning routine — I keep a list of all tasks that need to be done in my home daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonally. Having such a list does not mean you have to do all these things (you might delegate to others or you might pay a cleaning service to do some), but it helps you stay on top of what needs to be done around your house. Each week I list what I need to do for that week, then figure out which days will be best for which tasks. This varies from week to week, depending on my work schedule and other commitments.
*Menus — I plan my menus for one month in advance. Look at your calendar and decide which meals will best fit which days. Then you can make your grocery list! Are there meal prepping tasks you could do in one batch on Saturday or Sunday that will help make the upcoming week easier?
*Workouts — choose which workouts you will do on what days and schedule those on your calendar. This is SO important. I schedule and plan for workouts because they will not happen otherwise. Be realistic. If you have an especially early start and lots of appointments one day, don’t try to schedule one of your longer workouts. Look for a shorter workout you can do on that day. Consistency and intensity are more important than the length of your workouts.
*Clothes/outfits — check the weather forecast and temperatures for the week, then list some possible outfits you will wear. As part of your evening routine, lay out the clothes you will wear the next day.
*Review your budget and finances. Check your balance and your account statements. What bills are due this week? How well are you sticking to your budget? What changes or adjustments could you make?
*Stick to your evening routine. If there is ever a time that I am strict about my evening routine, it’s on Sunday night. I usually try to go to bed a little earlier as well.
*Try batching some tasks into 15 or 20 minute segments. For instance, as a teacher and I will have assignments to grade until June 10 (our last day of school). I am never really “caught up”. The assignments are not going to magically grade themselves. I am never going to find some huge chunk of time to get them all graded and then be “done”. So I grade assignments for 20 minutes a day.
Many times, at the end of that 20 minutes, I decide to continue for a bit longer. Sometimes I don’t have any more time that day, so I stop. But the point is that I am being consistent in getting that task “done” daily.
Other ways to use this tip: to get started on an overwhelming organizing or cleaning task or to keep focused on one task at a time (instead of getting sidetracked into checking email or googling something). It’s a lot easier to tackle some big task or to make progress on your goals when you know that you only have 15 or 20 minutes.
You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in a short batch of time by the end of a week or month! See the time blocking tips below for more about batching tasks.
*What if you plan out your work in this way, but there is still too much to do? Take a look at your plan.
Some weeks it does feel as if everything important needs attention in that week. But often I find that I am trying to do too many things that don’t matter as much. Not everything is essential. I can’t say “yes” to doing everything that other people want me to do.
So think about what matters most to you. What can you cut out of your schedule? What can be delegated? I love the saying, “Do fewer things, but be awesome at them.” Not sure where I heard that, but it is wise advice. See the time blocking tips below for more about how to realistic about time and doing what matters.
*Schedule time for your own self-care. This is another area where being intentional about scheduling this time is key to making sure it happens. Being stressed and burned out leads to less productivity. Take a few minutes every day for yourself.
6 Tips for Time Blocking
1 – I have been doing a version of time blocking for years, but this post totally makes sense and explains it in a fun way. Jordan Page recommends setting your day up in blocks that fit your particular stage of life. Then, in each block, list what you will get done during that time.
Jordan’s tips:
~stick to 2-3 hour blocks
~don’t micromanage your day. Emergencies and interruptions will happen – don’t stress about it. Just rearrange and move necessary tasks to other blocks
~use the alarm on your phone to remind you of upcoming blocks
~use the alarm to alert you when a block is ending
2 – Another reason to use time blocking is to help you plan and be realistic about how long different tasks will take. I have noticed that when I have a tight time schedule (with appointments, meetings, etc.), I am more efficient with getting things done but on days when I don’t have as many time pressures, I just kind of fritter the time away and then wonder why I didn’t get anything done.
So I plan for what I will do during a time block, allowing extra time for interruptions or unanticipated events. This makes me focus on how much time I actually have and how long some tasks will actually take, helping me develop more realistic time blocks for the future.
It also cuts down on the urge to procrastinate. I’ve already made the decision to do certain tasks at a certain time, so I just get started and do them! Nothing will ever be perfect, but if you have a plan for a block of time, you will get more done.
3 – Within those time blocks that Jordan recommends, I set shorter time limits for dedicated work time.
For instance, if I decide that I am going to work on school work such as grading papers, researching resources for plans, or creating assignments, I set specific time blocks for just one task (i.e., grading papers for 20 minutes), and work on that one task for just that amount of time.
Chipping away at something every single day helps you get stuff done. Instead of being overwhelmed by all you need to do, just focus on that one task for one short time block. Then, when you spend time with your family, you can give them your undivided attention, knowing that you made progress toward your most important work tasks.
4 – Other than using your phone’s alarm to alert you when it’s time to stop a block, turn off your phone notifications when you need to get something done OR when you are spending time with your family.
Unless you need to be available for some kind of emergency, stay off the screen and focus on what or who is right in front of you. This can be really hard since we all use our phones for just about everything. But try it and see how it works for you.
5 – Schedule both your chores/tasks/things to do in your time blocks, but also think about scheduling things you want to do.
If you go into a weekend with the hope of doing certain things with your family or friends, schedule that activity for certain times of the day! (And make sure that your family and friends know what time you’re scheduling the activity! 🙂 You will find that you enjoy your leisure time more when activities are planned and scheduled because they will actually happen, instead of just being hoped-for activities that you will do “some day”.
6 – Plan your day backwards. For instance, if you want to leave work by 5:00 p.m., plan your work time blocks with that “limit” in mind. Some days/weeks are busier at work, but if you set some boundaries, it helps you keep better work/life balance and forces you to be efficient with your use of time.
A similar thing happens at home. If you set your wind-down/bedtime for 9 p.m., plan your time blocks with that “hard stop” limit in mind.
Finally – make sure you are doing “first things first.” What is the “deep work” that uses your abilities and talents best?
Can you cut out incessant email checking (I’ve been guilty of this), incessant social media scrolling (same), and mindless TV (uh, same again)? I’m not saying that you need to be a hamster on a wheel all the time.
Just try focusing on what matters most to you: what people you want to spend your time with, what tasks or activities will make your life better or more organized,and what tasks or activities use your talents and creativity best. You will find that your stress level will go down and that you will have MORE time for the activities and the people that you love.
“Time management” is a tricky term.
I used to think that time management was all about getting up earlier, staying up later and cramming as many tasks into the day as I could possibly do. Now I think that managing my time is more about being intentional about my use of time. It means doing the right things at the right time.
Some days I may look at my to-do list and see very few things crossed off, but when I think about my day as a whole, I realize that the things I did do were all super important (going to a doctor’s appointment with my mom, making a dinner that my husband loves and which I don’t make very often, taking a nap because I haven’t been getting enough sleep, catching up with a good friend who needs a listening ear).
So what are my best time “management” tips?
What I try to focus on now is “scheduling” all of my routine things to do into “blocks” of time, setting limits on how long I will work on different routine tasks (grading papers and doing laundry are always going to be on the list and are never really “caught up”), and being efficient with chores and the routine tasks so that I can spend more time on what is most important.
So my definition of time management now is not just about getting stuff done. It’s also about doing the right stuff.
And making lots of lists!
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
First, here are eight general tips that have helped me.
8 General tips
1 – Write it all down. It sounds compulsive, but it’s the best way to stay on top of all the things you need to do. It also helps you plan what days will be best to do which tasks.
For example, you would not plan to complete lots of cleaning or organizing tasks on the days when you have a later working day or lots of kid activities to coordinate. It also serves as a great boost when you look back on the week and see all the things you did complete!
2 – Some people like to keep all their lists and a planner on their phone. There are some great apps that will help you do this.
Other people (like me) prefer paper and pencil (or Flair pens!).
If you are an “old school” paper planner, like me, there are a ton of great planners out there. I’ve tried and loved the Bloom Daily Planners, Erin Condren Planners, Blue Sky Planners, and Plum Paper Planners.
But this post from Rachel Hollis explains my favorite way to plan. Rachel recommends grabbing a sturdy spiral bound notebooks and carrying it with you everywhere.
Carrying it with you everywhere allows you to use it for everything:your weekly cleaning list, weekly menus, grocery list, workout log, list of outfits, things to do at home, things to do at work, holiday planning, goals — all the lists you need for your busy life.
In addition to pages of lists, you just start a new page for each day, write the date at the top and list the things you need/want to do that day. Whatever does not get checked off gets added to the next day’s list.
3 – Two important tips for planners and lists:
A – write everything down. Do not rely on your memory. (When you’re carrying your planner around with you everywhere, you will always have it handy when you think of something else you need to do.) This is why many people prefer using their phone.
B – check your planner several times a day. Put a notification on your phone if you have to, but make sure you are checking your planner at least once an hour.
4 – Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. I know — sleep is very important. But sleeping late every day is not important. If you start training your body to get up earlier, you can also train your body to go to sleep earlier. Aim for 6 – 8 hours of sleep per night.
As for what time to get up each day: one tip I’ve used is to think about what time I need to get up in the morning, then subtract one hour. That is the time I should be getting up.
What can you do with that extra hour? Plan your day, pray, meditate, do yoga, work out, work on some goal project of your own. (See my morning routine post HERE.) That extra hour, first thing in the morning, that is just for YOU will help you to be better in all areas of your life. Just try it for a couple of weeks and see what you think!
5 – Get some help. I know, I know — we think we should be able to do everything ourselves. But look around and identify someone you know who appears to “do it all”. Then ask her how she does it. You will undoubtedly hear that she doesn’t “do it all” herself! No one does.
Look at your list of things to do. What are the things that only you can do? (Tuck your kids into bed, for instance.)
What are the things that someone else could do for you? (Clean your house? Drive your kids to sports practices? Shop for groceries?) Think about delegating some tasks to other people. Everyone that lives in your house (spouse, children above preschool age) needs to contribute to the family chores in some way.
Could you use different services to do some tasks? (Ordering groceries online for instance and paying for delivery or picking your order up in an express lane at the store.) Could you hire someone to clean your house or run errands for you?
6 – And while we’re talking about getting some help — it’s okay to say NO to tasks or activities that don’t fit your time availability and your current priorities and goals.
This is another hard one, I know. We want to help as many people as possible and we want to please everyone. But think about what and who is most important in your life right now. Judge each task that you are asked to do against that list of priorities.
Will the task you’re being asked to do affect one of those priorities in a negative way? (Taking you away from home too many evenings, for instance.)
One of my favorite ways to say no is to say, “Thank you for thinking of me I would love to help, but my schedule is too tight right now and I would not be able to give it my fullest attention and energy.” They may be disappointed for a moment, but they will quickly move on to the next person to ask. Plus, they have to respect the fact that you don’t want to take on a task that will not get your best effort.
7 – Schedule EVERYTHING on your planner. If it does not get scheduled and assigned to a certain day or a certain time, it’s not going to happen.
If you want to work out every morning at 6 a.m., write it down. If you want a weekly date night with your husband on Fridays at 7 p.m., write it down (and make sure he does the same!). If you want to catch up with a friend in person or over the phone, write it down.
8 – Make sure you are scheduling time for you to do what YOU want to do and what is important to you. If you don’t do that, other tasks or demands will take over that time and you will eventually feel burned out and resentful. You can prevent that from happening, or change it if it’s already happening. Schedule some daily time for yourself and plan for what you will do with that time.
At the beginning of each month, I draw a quadrant on a piece of paper. I label each quadrant with the week’s dates for that month (December 3 – 9, December 10 – 16, etc.). Then I list the calendar dates that are already scheduled in each quadrant.
I make a list of what I would like to get done in that month and which week will be best for that task. Some tasks come from my calendar (birthdays, appointments, meetings, events), and some are from my goal-setting work. (I will be posting soon about how I set goals.)
I leave lots of empty spaces because unexpected events occur throughout the month that will also need to be included. This list gives me some control in the sense that I can see what is coming up that month, but it also gives me the flexibility to change the priority of anything on the list.
Plan your week in advance. While you can do this on any day, I prefer Sunday. It helps get my new week off to a good start when I have some time to think about last week and to look ahead to how I will use my time going forward.
Start by looking over your general monthly plan and looking at last week’s lists. What went well last week? What needs to be rescheduled or tweaked for this week? What goals do you want to accomplish this week?
Make a list of tasks you need to complete for the upcoming week. Include appointments, meetings, kids’ scheduled activities, etc. What appointments/events/meetings/important dates are coming up this week? What do you need to prep for those dates? (Example: buy a birthday card and gift, review notes for a meeting, etc.) Plan time for the prep as well as the actual event! (See the planner and list tips above.)
*Cleaning routine — I keep a list of all tasks that need to be done in my home daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonally. Having such a list does not mean you have to do all these things (you might delegate to others or you might pay a cleaning service to do some), but it helps you stay on top of what needs to be done around your house. Each week I list what I need to do for that week, then figure out which days will be best for which tasks. This varies from week to week, depending on my work schedule and other commitments.
*Menus — I plan my menus for one month in advance. Look at your calendar and decide which meals will best fit which days. Then you can make your grocery list! Are there meal prepping tasks you could do in one batch on Saturday or Sunday that will help make the upcoming week easier?
*Workouts — choose which workouts you will do on what days and schedule those on your calendar. This is SO important. I schedule and plan for workouts because they will not happen otherwise. Be realistic. If you have an especially early start and lots of appointments one day, don’t try to schedule one of your longer workouts. Look for a shorter workout you can do on that day. Consistency and intensity are more important than the length of your workouts.
*Clothes/outfits — check the weather forecast and temperatures for the week, then list some possible outfits you will wear. As part of your evening routine, lay out the clothes you will wear the next day.
*Review your budget and finances. Check your balance and your account statements. What bills are due this week? How well are you sticking to your budget? What changes or adjustments could you make?
*Stick to your evening routine. If there is ever a time that I am strict about my evening routine, it’s on Sunday night. I usually try to go to bed a little earlier as well.
*Try batching some tasks into 15 or 20 minute segments. For instance, as a teacher and I will have assignments to grade until June 10 (our last day of school). I am never really “caught up”. The assignments are not going to magically grade themselves. I am never going to find some huge chunk of time to get them all graded and then be “done”. So I grade assignments for 20 minutes a day.
Many times, at the end of that 20 minutes, I decide to continue for a bit longer. Sometimes I don’t have any more time that day, so I stop. But the point is that I am being consistent in getting that task “done” daily.
Other ways to use this tip: to get started on an overwhelming organizing or cleaning task or to keep focused on one task at a time (instead of getting sidetracked into checking email or googling something). It’s a lot easier to tackle some big task or to make progress on your goals when you know that you only have 15 or 20 minutes.
You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in a short batch of time by the end of a week or month! See the time blocking tips below for more about batching tasks.
*What if you plan out your work in this way, but there is still too much to do? Take a look at your plan.
Some weeks it does feel as if everything important needs attention in that week. But often I find that I am trying to do too many things that don’t matter as much. Not everything is essential. I can’t say “yes” to doing everything that other people want me to do.
So think about what matters most to you. What can you cut out of your schedule? What can be delegated? I love the saying, “Do fewer things, but be awesome at them.” Not sure where I heard that, but it is wise advice. See the time blocking tips below for more about how to realistic about time and doing what matters.
*Schedule time for your own self-care. This is another area where being intentional about scheduling this time is key to making sure it happens. Being stressed and burned out leads to less productivity. Take a few minutes every day for yourself.
6 tips for time blocking:
1 – I have been doing a version of time blocking for years, but this post totally makes sense and explains it in a fun way. Jordan Page recommends setting your day up in blocks that fit your particular stage of life. Then, in each block, list what you will get done during that time.
Jordan’s tips:
~stick to 2-3 hour blocks
~don’t micromanage your day. Emergencies and interruptions will happen – don’t stress about it. Just rearrange and move necessary tasks to other blocks
~use the alarm on your phone to remind you of upcoming blocks
~use the alarm to alert you when a block is ending
2 – Another reason to use time blocking is to help you plan and be realistic about how long different tasks will take. I have noticed that when I have a tight time schedule (with appointments, meetings, etc.), I am more efficient with getting things done but on days when I don’t have as many time pressures, I just kind of fritter the time away and then wonder why I didn’t get anything done.
So I plan for what I will do during a time block, allowing extra time for interruptions or unanticipated events. This makes me focus on how much time I actually have and how long some tasks will actually take, helping me develop more realistic time blocks for the future.
It also cuts down on the urge to procrastinate. I’ve already made the decision to do certain tasks at a certain time, so I just get started and do them! Nothing will ever be perfect, but if you have a plan for a block of time, you will get more done.
3 – Within those time blocks that Jordan recommends, I set shorter time limits for dedicated work time.
For instance, if I decide that I am going to work on school work such as grading papers, researching resources for plans, or creating assignments, I set specific time blocks for just one task (i.e., grading papers for 20 minutes), and work on that one task for just that amount of time.
Chipping away at something every single day helps you get stuff done. Instead of being overwhelmed by all you need to do, just focus on that one task for one short time block. Then, when you spend time with your family, you can give them your undivided attention, knowing that you made progress toward your most important work tasks.
4 – Other than using your phone’s alarm to alert you when it’s time to stop a block, turn off your phone notifications when you need to get something done OR when you are spending time with your family.
Unless you need to be available for some kind of emergency, stay off the screen and focus on what or who is right in front of you. This can be really hard since we all use our phones for just about everything. But try it and see how it works for you.
5 – Schedule both your chores/tasks/things to do in your time blocks, but also think about scheduling things you want to do.
If you go into a weekend with the hope of doing certain things with your family or friends, schedule that activity for certain times of the day! (And make sure that your family and friends know what time you’re scheduling the activity! 🙂 You will find that you enjoy your leisure time more when activities are planned and scheduled because they will actually happen, instead of just being hoped-for activities that you will do “some day”.
6 – Plan your day backwards. For instance, if you want to leave work by 5:00 p.m., plan your work time blocks with that “limit” in mind. Some days/weeks are busier at work, but if you set some boundaries, it helps you keep better work/life balance and forces you to be efficient with your use of time.
A similar thing happens at home. If you set your wind-down/bedtime for 9 p.m., plan your time blocks with that “hard stop” limit in mind.
Finally – make sure you are doing “first things first.” What is the “deep work” that uses your abilities and talents best?
Can you cut out incessant email checking (I’ve been guilty of this), incessant social media scrolling (same), and mindless TV (uh, same again)? I’m not saying that you need to be a hamster on a wheel all the time.
Just try focusing on what matters most to you: what people you want to spend your time with, what tasks or activities will make your life better or more organized, what tasks or activities use your talents and creativity best. You will find that your stress level will go down, and that you will have MORE time for the activities and the people that you love.
“End of year testing is my favorite time of year!” said no teacher ever. (No student ever either.)
Unfortunately, the tests are here to stay. Teachers know that part of our job is to help our students be as well prepared for the tests as possible.
How do we do that? How do we do that? Here are some tips I’ve collected over the years for preparing your students while keeping the test prep as engaging as possible.
The first step is to make a plan for test review. Block out time for some practice before state testing begins. This doesn’t need to take hours or several weeks. Two weeks is usually ample time. It also doesn’t need to take up all day, every day. It’s better to do little bits every day rather than big “cram” sessions, which tend to burn kids out and cause anxiety.
As much as possible, show students what test questions will look like and discuss what the questions ask them to do.
Here’s how to do that.
~Find your state’s released versions of tests. They are usually posted on your state’s Department of Education website. These items are best for showing your students exactly what your state’s test questions will look like.
~It can also be helpful to use other states’ released test items so that your students see various problems and questions. Tammy from Tarheelstate Teacher has some good suggestions HERE. (She also has a great resource for reading tests on Teachers Pay Teachers.)
~Try taking the test yourself! What do YOU do to help yourself solve the problems or read the passages and answer questions? What tips helped you? Show your students your own thought process!
~Pay attention to the vocabulary of test questions. I find that this is what trips students up the most. Phrases like “draw a conclusion,” “according to the text . . . .,” and “what can you infer? “ are not typical phrases we use when we talk to students.
One way to “teach” this vocabulary is to create a T-chart of these words and phrases from sample test questions. List the words and phrases on the left, then have students help you interpret what those words and phrases mean on the right side.
Above all, try to keep your test review practice as fun and engaging as possible. Here are some ways to do that.
~Use non-permanent vertical surfaces (like THESE, but you could also use chart paper) and have students work in groups of three or four.
Attach a math problem, science question, or reading passage to the top of the whiteboard or chart. Allow students to collaborate to answer the question and show their work, as needed.
Circulate to check their work. When everyone has completed their task, have them rotate to the next whiteboard or chart paper and work on the next task.
~Create a Jeopardy game to review content, using an online Jeopardy template like this one.
~Use some of your state’s reading question stems and write them on different sections of an inexpensive beach ball.
Read a short passage as a class, then toss the beach ball to a student. They answer the question closest to their right thumb (getting help from classmates as needed), then they toss it to another student to answer a different question.
~Divide students into teams and distribute small whiteboards. Post a question from your state’s math or science test and allow students to use their whiteboards to write their answers. (They can collaborate as needed.) Have the whole team show their whiteboards, or you could rotate and choose different students. Teams earn a point for every correct answer.
~Play “Prove It” with reading tests. Allow time for everyone to read the passage and the questions, but hide the answer choices. Call on a student to answer a question. The rest of the class gets to call out, “prove it!” The student then explains how they figured out the answer.
After they answer the question, display the answer choices and have the student (or the class) choose the answer choice that most closely matches the student’s correct answer. (This is great for teaching students to think about what they think the answer is, before reading the answer choices.)
~Play “Headbands” with concepts or vocabulary. Put students in small groups of three or four. Give the student guesser an index card with a concept or vocabulary word written, but they should not look at it.
The student who will be guessing then holds the card up on their forehead. The other group members give the guessing student clues so they can figure out the concept or word.
Then, the guessing turn passes to another student.
~Play “Four Corners” with multiple choice answers. This works better for science or other content area questions.
Display the question and answer choices. Give students time to think about their answer. Then announce choice A’s corner, choice B’s corner, etc. and allow students to move to their answer choice.
Discuss the correct answer and why it is one choice and not another.
~Allow students to work together to create a class anchor chart to teach/review a math or science concept.
Hopefully, you have used anchor charts all year long. Remind your students to refer to them often! Even though you have to remove them before the test, students will remember most of what was on the chart when they look at that wall area.
~For math questions, remind students to visualize what the question is asking them to do.
Here is a strategy I recently learned, which works very well.
Retell the problem in your own words.
Read #1: what is the story?
Read #2: what are the quantities?
Read #3: what is the question?
Represent the problem with pictures or equations.
Reason – does your answer make sense? (Remind student to double-check multiplication facts, addition and subtraction.)
~A great retrieval practice strategy is a “brain dump.”
Here’s how to do that:
*List the topic on the board and set a timer for 2-3 minutes.
*Have students write down everything that they can remember about the topic (or about how to solve the math problem).
*Another option is to ask them to write 1-3 things they can remember, and NOT set a time limit.
*Then let students turn & talk with a partner or table group and share what they remember.
By the way, this is a fun and engaging strategy to use for review and practice throughout the year, not just when preparing for end of year tests.
~Provide lots of opportunities to study vocabulary terms for science or math tests. The game sites linked above are great for this practice.
~Mix up the math problems – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. The tests never have all of one topic together, so we need to help students practice “switching” between different math topics.
~Use the 50-50 strategy by trying to eliminate two answer choices that cannot possibly be correct. Some teachers call this strategy “slash the trash.”
~Remind students that they HAVE to look back in the text to answer the questions. This applies to all questions, but especially to questions that ask what a word means in THIS passage. (The words chosen for tests are typically words that have multiple meanings, so students need to reread to be sure their answer choice is correct.)
Stamina is one of the most important factors in test-taking. These standardized tests usually take about two hours. That is a long time to maintain focus and stare at a screen.
The best preparation is building up stamina throughout the year (during independent reading, for example).
You can challenge your students to work on their stamina as part of their test prep practice. Then, have them share their strategies for getting back on track if they find their energy waning and their minds wandering.
Here are some student-suggested strategies for maintaining stamina and taking “brain breaks” during testing:
*look away from the screen for a few seconds
*close your eyes for a few seconds
*massage your temples
*take quiet deep breaths – in through the nose, out through the mouth
*rotate your neck in circles
*stretch your shoulders or stretch your legs
Teach your students test-taking strategies and have them practice the strategies as they take practice tests or work on practice problems.
~Try using the SMART strategy:
S – scan title and passage
M – make manageable parts to read (choose a “chunk” of the text to read, then stop and think about what’s happening in the text)
A – add notes as you read
R – return to the passage for evidence
T – try out all answers to find the best one
~Tell students to LOVE the selection! Have them practice saying things like “I’ve always wanted to read about . . .” or “Yay! I get to read . . . “ Tell yourself that you’re excited to read this passage. (And you only have to love it for 15-20 minutes.)
This is a much better option than looking at a passage and thinking that it looks hard or boring. When we approach something with excitement (even if it’s fake), we read it differently.
~Read the question, but think about what YOU think the answer might be before you read the answer choices. (This is similar to solving the math problem before looking at the multiple-choice answers.)
~Look back in the text, especially for the vocabulary questions.
~Read all of the answer choices before making a selection.
~Use the 50-50 strategy. Try to eliminate two answers that couldn’t possibly be correct.
~Flag a question and come back to it later if you’re having trouble with it.
~Solve the problems on the math test! Don’t just guess an answer choice that looks like it could be right
~Teach your students to take their own brain breaks during the test when their attention is wandering (see the suggestions in the “Stamina” section).
~Show students what to do with the blank paper provided for the test. Do you expect them to use it for solving math problems, listing vocabulary terms for content, or taking notes on a reading passage? Show them what you expect and incorporate that into your test prep practice.
~Another option for the blank paper is for students to write down affirmations or “sunny thoughts” that encourage them. You might make a list of these prior to testing days and tell students to choose the ones that resonate most with them. They can write them on their blank paper. Seeing that encouragement during testing might help them keep going!
Suggestions for a “sunny thoughts” poster:
I can do this!
I won’t give up, even if something is hard!
I will relax and use my strategies!
When my brain gets tired, I will take a break so I can re-focus!
I believe in myself!
I will do my best, no matter what!
~Show students any tools they may use on the test. For example, our state’s online test includes a highlighter tool and a tool for slashing the wrong answers. Show students how to use these tools.
~Ask families to write a letter to their students, encouraging them to do their best on the test and reassuring them of their love and belief in the student. These letters can be opened on the morning of the test. (My students have always loved receiving these.) Let families know about this and ask for the letters to be returned to you by 1-2 weeks before the test. If a family does not return a letter, this gives you time to find a special adult within the school who will write a letter to the student.
~Finally – plan some fun, hands-on activities after testing is over the day. Extra recess is an obvious choice, but think of some other classroom projects that might be fun to do during that time. Here is another post with some ideas!
No one likes standardized testing, but we all understand the purpose that it serves. Helping our students to be prepared and confident is our goal. I hope some of these tips will be helpful to you and your students! The best news about the testing season is that summer is not far away!
Even those of us who love teaching have our moments when we get down or discouraged or just plain tired. Here’s how to regain some joy in teaching.
Many negative elements of the education system are systemic issues and beyond our control. But focusing on what we can control is one way to keep ourselves positive and hopeful.
“Don’t let other people steal your joy. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s not to let other people take what you love.”
~Riley Hart
1 – Find a fun journal and use it to write down one good thing. Just one. (Actually – you can write down whatever comes to mind as some days will have several good things.)
But even on the worst days – think of one good thing that happened during the day. One moment during the school day when you felt some joy.
I’m not going to suggest any of the toxic positivity recommendations of “remember your why!” or “you’re in it for the outcome, not the income!”.
But I do think it’s helpful to focus on what IS good and what IS going well. That does not eliminate or deny the things that are NOT going well, but looking for the good helps keep your focus in a positive place.
2 – Maybe you’ve heard of the circle of concern and the circle of control. Here’s an image from Positive Psychology.
This image shows that while we have many things that are outside of our control, we do have a circle of influence and a circle of control.
The Stoic philosopher Epictetus said:
“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.”
Focusing on what we CAN control and what we CAN influence will go a long way toward making us feel more joy.
Here are some ways to do that. Grab that journal and write down some things you can control or influence.
~Write down the names of students who you know are being impacted by your influence and your teaching.
~Write down one part of a lesson that went especially well.
~Write down one moment with a colleague that was affirming or encouraging or made you laugh.
~Write down one thing about your classroom that makes you happy.
3 – Speaking of your classroom, try adding some decor to your classroom that makes YOU happy.
Bring in framed photos of people or places you love.
Buy some inexpensive flowers once a week (or some favorite artificial flowers).
Buy some pens that you love. (My favorite are Flair pens.)
4 – Recognize that you will never reach the end of your to-do list until the last day of school (or the last teacher workday). Be willing to let some things go. Prioritize the essential tasks and don’t worry about the rest.
Take a look at your to-do list and think about what can be removed. Ask yourself the following questions:
~what will happen if you don’t do this task?
~is there someone else who could do this for you? (or help you get it done, if it’s a task that does have to be done?)
~can you half-do it and move on? (Not everything deserves your best energy and effort!)
Want some more help in this area? I will soon have a course on Thrive Cart to help you gain control of your time! Join the waitlist here!
5 – Teaching, as you well know, can be exhausting. Think about what times of day and what times of the year are especially exhausting for you.
Then, think about how you can plan for those low-energy times and plan things to boost your energy.
If a certain time of day is difficult for you, think about what you can do that will help you get past that hurdle.
Can you walk outside and get some fresh air? Taking a walk, even if it’s just down the hall, will give you an energy boost. Sharing a laugh or having a conversation with a teacher friend are other good options.
Stop, take a break, and take some deep breaths. You can do this in your own classroom, in the restroom, or any place else in the school! I found that recess was a great time for this, but any time of day will work.
If a certain time of year is exhausting for you, here are some options. Try to plan some fun activities for your class during those times.
If there are some units or read-aloud books or other activities that you especially enjoy, see if you can save those activities for your more sluggish times of year.
Even though field trips take a lot of work and energy to plan, they can be great options for your low-energy times of year. They help get you and your students out of the same old routine.
Another good option is to plan to take your paid time off here and there. Plan for it by making your sub plans, yes, but also by planning some fun activities for your day off. Getting coffee or lunch with a friend, visiting a park, or doing something out of your usual routine are all good options.
6 – Avoid email at night and on the weekends. Your personal time is YOUR time.
7 – Seek out other people who can encourage you OR that you can encourage.
One of my favorite things to do in any school is to look for excellent teachers who have been teaching for ten or more years and remain positive. Talking to them and asking them for tips is always encouraging and helpful.
Another good option is to encourage other people. Leave a sticky note or a note of encouragement for a teacher friend, especially if it’s a younger teacher who you see doing a good job but might need a reminder of how good they are. Getting encouragement from others and giving encouragement to others are great ways to boost your own joy.
8- Be careful about comparing yourself to other teachers. We’ve all had the experience of seeing someone else’s perfect-looking classroom (on social media or down the hall) and feeling like what we’re doing is inadequate. But know that other teachers are probably looking at something you’re doing and admiring that. Remind yourself of the things you are doing that are good, and let go of the comparison.
Ask for opportunities to observe other teachers you admire in action. You will see all the good things they do, yes, but you will probably see mistakes they make as well. That will help you feel better about yourself and realize that we are all doing the best we can. Students don’t need a perfect teacher – they need teachers who care about them and do their best to present content in ways that they can understand. That is all.
If something another teacher does is inspiring to you, feel free to add that to your plans or your classroom. But if it brings you down in some way, do everything you can do to let that go. You are enough. You are doing enough.
9 – You hear it repeatedly but it’s true – take time to build relationships with your students. I have lots of posts about ways to do this. Implementing class circles and using dialogue journals are two practices that have helped me.
10 – Work with small groups as much as possible. This helps you target students’ learning needs, it enables you to get to know your students better, and it helps your students to feel more bonded to you because they got some of your time and attention.
11 – Keep your expectations of your students reasonable. Look for something lovable in every child (you may have to look harder with some kids, but trust me – something is there).
Be “real” with your students and apologize when you’re wrong. Thank them for what they contribute to the class (thoughtful comments, paying attention to you or others when they’re speaking, doing something helpful).
Be consistent – say what you mean and mean what you say. Students will respect you and rise to your expectations when you’re consistent.
12 – Take every opportunity to have some fun – with your class and with your colleagues. Smile at each of your students – every day. (Even if you have to address misbehavior at some other time, make sure that at least one of your interactions involved a genuine smile.)
Look for opportunities to laugh and tell stories. Finding humor in situations and enjoying your time together go a long way to helping you find joy in teaching.
13 – Do the best you can. That is all. And that is enough.
14 – Maintain a file of positive notes of thanks or appreciation, pictures your students draw for you, and positive emails. Any time you’re having a bad day – take a look at this file. Know that you are making a valuable difference, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
15 – Be kind to yourself. Remember that the work you do matters, every single day, regardless of what the politicians or anyone else say. Think about it – every single person in the world can name teachers who had a big influence on their lives. What other profession can say that? You are a very important part of your students’ lives. Never forget that.
All of my content is intended to save teachers time and energy. Making good teaching sustainable – while also having a life outside of teaching – is my goal. Let me know how I can help YOU with this quick form!
Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”