Self-Care at School for Busy Teachers

I survived my first two weeks of school! In addition to ALL the things that have to be done in a relatively short amount of time, I’m also struggling with how to fit in self-care when the days are super busy.

So I do what I often do when I’m overwhelmed: make a list. If you work outside the home, and especially if you’re a working mom, you need this list too!

self-care for teachers
Here are 20 tips for self-care on super busy days:

1 – Think about what you listen to on your morning commute. Can you enjoy NPR’s Morning Edition or listen to a podcast that you enjoy? Or maybe enjoy the silence without any input from the radio or your phone?

2 – Have some kind of daily ritual that you look forward to and that makes you happy. Maybe it’s chatting with a teacher friend in the morning. Maybe it’s enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. Maybe it’s reading a devotional or something inspiring.

self-care for teachers

3 – Adjust your seating. Can you use a different chair? Add a cushion? Raise or lower the seat? Wherever you spend the most time: make the seating comfortable for you.

4 – Keep a cozy sweater at school. When the air conditioning gets a little too intense (or if the heating is not intense enough during the winter), it helps to have something to warm you up!

5 – Stand up when you’re grading papers or doing computer work. Stand at a counter or figure out some kind of standing desk possibility. Standing up more often helps burn more calories but is also good for your back and your joints.

self-care for teachers

6 – Keep your teacher workspace decluttered and pretty. Clean it off at least once a day. Develop a good paper organization system so papers don’t pile up on your table. Keep a good supply of pens you enjoy using (my favorite: Flair pens!), sharpened pencils, colorful post-its. LINKS. Keep reminders of things and people you love nearby, whether it’s a note from one of your children, a picture of a pet, pictures of your family, or a reminder of a vacation.

7 – Walk around as much as possible. If you’re on recess or lunch duty, walk around instead of standing still in one place. Walk around your classroom. Walk to places within the school whenever possible instead of calling, messaging or emailing.

8 – Drink water! Yes, you’ll have to use the restroom more often (which also gets more walking into your day), but staying hydrated is so important for physical health and mental focus. Use a large water bottle like Swell or HydroFlask and refill as needed.

self-care for teachers

9 – Bring a plant to work! Having a plant in your office space or classroom brings life and calmness to your work space.

10 – Another idea is to bring in fresh flowers once a week or so. You can find beautiful, inexpensive selections at Trader Joe’s.

self-care for teachers

11 – Keep healthy snacks available. Good options: KIND bars, trail mix, popcorn, fruit, or nuts.

12 – Pay attention to how you look and what you wear. Every Sunday, I check the weather forecast for the week and choose some outfits for each day. Wear whatever amount of makeup works for you and develop some kind of easy-care hairstyle.

13 – Fit in some yoga poses throughout the day. Try yoga at your desk!

14 – Read some positive affirmations, especially after lunch when you might be facing a long afternoon. Here are some possibilities:
~I am in charge of my mood.
~I am happy, strong and in control of myself.
~Good things will happen today.
~I will respond with compassion.
~Taking care of myself is important.
~My work matters.

15 – Recognize when you need a break and take one. You might not be able to leave your classroom, but even moving across the room to another spot can help you reset. End a small group a few minutes earlier than planned and take a couple of minutes for yourself before moving on to the next task. If you have an assistant, leave them in charge while you walk to the restroom or into another teacher’s classroom for a mental break.

self-care for teachers

16 – Make a playlist of songs that motivate you or inspire you. If you make the songs school-appropriate, this can be a great way to motivate and inspire your students too!

17 – Another music option – music that calms and soothes. No need to explain how this one also makes a positive difference for your students!

18 – Have some cue to remind you to take deep breaths. Inhale for a count of four and exhale for a count of four. This immediately calms you down and helps you refocus.

self-care for teachers

19 – Think of three things that you are grateful for. This could be students that make you feel successful, teacher friends, the fact that you don’t have a meeting after school today. Or it could be things that are bigger and more meaningful to you such as good health, your family, or a pet.

20 – Plan a delicious dinner you will make or pick up to go!

self-care for teachers

I hope you find some ideas here for taking care of you! You matter and your work matters.

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